An Update on Present Tense: October 14, 2024

Dear Present Tense Community,

Many universities are facing difficulties, and we have encountered challenges particularly tough for an independent journal like Present Tense that depends upon the uncompensated and often invisible labor of junior and senior scholars alike. As a result, we have experienced an unexpected hiatus snowballing from COVID. Nevertheless, today we are happy to announce our plans for moving forward as we renew our commitment to publishing top-quality scholarship on current and presently unfolding issues

We are working diligently to expand the number of reviewers collaborating with the journal. If you are interested in reviewing for Present Tense or know someone who might be, we encourage you to apply. Please send your CV along with an email detailing your areas of interest and expertise within the field of rhetoric and writing studies to and by October 30th.

We are excited to announce that the next issue of Present Tense will go live on November 30th. We are also committed to reviewing the excellent submissions we have received during the journal’s hiatus and look forward to engaging with new content in the future. Present Tense will begin accepting new submissions starting January 15th, and we are grateful for your continued support of the journal.

We are grateful for your understanding and ongoing support. We look forward to Present Tense remaining an important site for circulating engaging, contemporary scholarship.

The Present Tense Editorial Team
